How to count 1-10 in Russian?
Numbers about Russia:
- 1: Russia is the largest country in the world and borders 14 countries. The largest border is shared with China. It stretches around the globe and has 11 different time zones.
- 2: Russia is double the size of Australia and about 1.8 times as big as USA
- 3: There are 3 colors in the Russian flag. The white color symbolizes nobility and frankness, the blue for faithfulness, honesty, impeccability and chastity, and red for courage, generosity and love.
- 4: At their closest point, the distance between the USA and Russia is only under 4km. This distance is marked by Big Diomede, belonging to Russia and Little Diomede, belonging to the United States.
- 8: Russian is the eighth most popular language in the world (in 2021) and one of the six working languages spoken in the United Nations.
- 10: Russia is among the ten largest economies and the second largest gold producer in the world, after China and before Australia